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John Zorn: o Trabalho, a Arte...

Após um longo período que o compositor, saxofonista e proprietário do selo Tzadik se afastou das entrevistas, a JazzTimes publicou neste último mês de Maio, uma entrevista feita por Bill Milkowski onde Zorn costumeiramente deixa muito claro os seus conceitos. Abaixo um trecho da entrevista:

"But the music is not jazz music, it’s not classical music, it’s not rock music. It’s a new kind of music that was loved by people like yourself and other writers who were on that scene in the late ’70s-early ‘80s. You loved this music, you were stimulated by it, it said something to you because it came from your experience. But where can you write about this music that you love? What are the outlets? The only outlets were jazz magazines. Even though it didn’t belong in that tradition or in that format, it was the only format that there was. So I feel like that created a deep misunderstanding in what this music is. People started judging this new music with the standards of jazz, with the definitions of what jazz is and isn’t, because stories about it appeared in jazz magazines. And now I’ll do a gig at the Marciac Jazz Festival and I’ll get offstage and Wynton Marsalis will say, “That’s not jazz.” And I’ll say, “You’re right! But this is the only gig I’ve got, man. Give me another festival and I’ll play there.”

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